interactive exploration for today's big questions and tomorrow's grand challenges
German National Institute of Metrology (PTB), Light Art Space, Schering Stiftung and more...
cutting-edge organisations on the interface of science, industry, society and the arts
around the world
Realise a format that can break down incredibly complex scientific and technological themes into snackable bits for non-expert audiences!
Our interactive 60-120 minute programme invites participants on-site to join in an exploration of possible futures unleashed by new technologies. Inspired by the futurist scenario-planning game The Thing from the Future, this collective experimental conversation is playful investigation. We immerse the audience in the cascading effects on various time horizons, trends, social settings and use cases. The overall goal of every session is to highlight how breakthrough ideas and technologies will answer today's big questions, delivering radical real-world solutions for some of greatest challenges of the future. In the framework of our event, the conversation driven by the audience’s choices revolves around how various future scenarios may unfold.
Our services
event design
futures thinking
science engagement

all photos © Light Art Space and Hannover Messe
Looking to treat your audience to a special thematic journey for emerging technologies?